The Residency and Me in a Nutshell: 

As promised from my first post, I will tell you about my residency at Ridge Point Church (Fearless network church), a little about myself, what God is doing, and how YOU can join Team Hannah and support me!

About Me and the Residency:

God is leading me in my new phase of life after graduation. I graduated from Calvin with a teaching degree in math and a minor in youth ministry. After much prayer, I followed God to Ridge Point Community Church in Holland, MI to work in their Fearless Residency Program! This residency can be for three years total, but residents commit for a year at a time. This first year is called the "Dream Year," emphasizing that God's dream is bigger than our ambition.
God's dream is bigger than our ambition.
God has been using Ridge Point to plant churches throughout Michigan, and even outside of the U.S. With all of these church plants, they need church leaders to serve the Christians who gather there and the community of those areas. This is why they started the Fearless Residency program! They are training leaders in their home base church in Holland to send where God wants them.

How YOU can join Team Hannah (Yes, YOU!):

I am one of the four residents, and I will be working and learning alongside of a specific ministry. By end of this month (November) I will commit to a ministry that God is calling me to (as of now it will probably be student ministries with middle and high school and a desire to learn more about church planting, but I'm trying to keeping myself open to what God wants. 😀) To help me determine which one that is, I shadowed and explored all the ministries of the church for two weeks each. These include worship arts, community life, the executive teaching team, and student ministries in that order. I even shadowed the church plants: Cultivate Church and 3rd Coast Church! Now that orientation is done, I am transitioning and prayerfully choosing which ministry to work with! I'm so excited for this next phase!!!!!!

As I step in faith, I sincerely ask for your prayers first, and your financial support second. Not only am I starting a new job, but Alex and I are getting married in December (that's next month!!!), so we would deeply appreciate your prayers! Pray as God leads, and if you could, keep these requests in mind as well:
  •  I keep my eyes open to
    • what God is doing in the ministries of the church
    • which ministry He wants me to work and learn with
  • Fearless Follower Network churches (Ridge Point, Cultivate, 3rd Coast) would faithfully listen and follow for what God has for them.
  • I will be able to raise the funds that I need to continue in the residency.
  • God will prepare Alex and me for marriage and will always be the center of our relationship. 
If you will commit to praying for us, I would love to know! I can update you and continue to ask for specific requests. And of course I can pray for you as well! It is such a beautiful thing when the Body of Christ is interceding for one another to our Father.

This internship is partly funded from Ridge Point, but I also must raise at least $500 a month by the second week of every month. God has been so faithful in providing for me, and I know He will for the rest of the year! Prayerfully consider if you could give once a month or a one-time donation for the year to be a part of God's ministry here. You can give online or send donations through the mail. Gifts are tax deductible. You can make checks out to Ridge Point Community Church and send it to them or me, but please do not write anything on the Memo line as this could jeopardize your gift’s tax deductible status. I would recommend setting up an account on their website to give $25, $50, $100, or any amount automatically every month or a one-time donation.

For more information and to set up your account, go to Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on "Support a Resident" for monthly support or "One Time Gift" for... well... a one time gift. 😉

Thank YOU!!!!!

Thank you for considering supporting me through prayer and/or giving! I would not be able to learn and serve in this opportunity without God and the generosity of so many on Team Hannah! Seriously! I’m so pumped for what God has in store, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you!

In God's grace,



  1. Looking forward to seeing your updates dear Hannah! Love from aunt Liese.


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