Hit the Ground Running

The first 2 months of my Phase 2 Residency have been a whirlwind!

Since September, I hit the ground running by working with children's ministry through high school ministries! 

Because they were still searching for someone to fill their family life pastor position, I had the opportunity to lead the launch of the middle school youth group and help the launches of children's and high school. I was also able to be a part of planning bigger events like mud games and a bonfire worship with other youth groups. I learned a lot about communicating with families and leaders!

Leaders Praying before the Bonfire

My favorite moments so far: building relationships & teaching messages 

I have my own small group of 6th grade girls this year, and I have been able to visit lunches at school. It has been a blast getting to know them and diving deeper in their faith! 
When it comes to teaching, It has been surprising me how much I have been loving it! I do not necessarily love writing and preparing messages, but getting up to speak is a growing passion. I just started taking a teaching class where we learn how to write sermons and improve our speaking. 

More updates to come on the journey God is taking me in His ministry! 

My learning has been exploding working with so many ministries and people. I am so thankful for where God has me and how many people are pouring into me and trusting me. 
For more information on the residency and/or if you would to set up an account to support me financially, go to http://fearlessfollower.org/fearlessresidency/ (or just Google "fearless residency" and click on one of the first results). You can read testimonials from other residents and learn more of what it's about! To donate, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on "Monthly Support" or "One Time Gift!"

Thank you for reading and considering supporting me through prayer and/or giving! I would not be able to learn and serve in this opportunity without you and God!

In God's grace,


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