
Showing posts from June, 2018

My Last Month...

It's June. How is it already June? A year ago I got the call that I had been accepted into the fearless residency, and I was so nervous (but also excited. 😉)Now, this is my last month of phase 1 residency, and I am looking back over the year.  I have changed and grown this past year through the residency, getting married, moving, and simply being an adult (who is finally out of school!).  Many have already been asking me, "What is your biggest takeaway ?" Since it is hard to choose just one, these are the big ones that first come to mind: In my faith and in ministry: I have been reminded that ministry is not about programs, but it is about relationships .  Being a Christian is more than checking off boxes to make sure you're being a good Christian; we need to l ove the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind and love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt. 22:36-40).   God equips who He calls.  I have been affirmed again